Yoga Classes, Meditation Classes, Reiki Trainings and Shamanic Classes in Singapore with Sophie. I offer group and private classes, as well as corporate events in yoga, mindfulness and meditation.
My passion is to empower YOU through what I’ve learnt on my 25 years on the movement and healing path! My own path as a woman and mother taught me to live my own light and embody my power.
It is my greatest joy to see my words, classes, talk events and healing sessions bring light and well-being.
We are in this boat together, and YOUR light, EVERY light, counts. Namaste!
Upcoming Events
Breath and Relaxation for Kids and their Adults

Learn breath exercises to relax, focus and release anxiety. This is followed by a sound meditation with the gong and chimes.
Saturday November 23, 2024
3-4pm Singapore, at Ki Yoga (Serangoon Gardens – Singapore)
for kids 8-14 years old and their adults
36$ child / 62$ child and their adult / 31$ extra child
Yoga Classes in Singapore
- Align and Flow Yoga:
MONDAY 7-8.15pm – 69 Serangoon Garden Way
TUESDAY and FRIDAY 8.30-9.30am – Serangoon Gardens
- Restorative Yoga and Deep Relaxation / Yin Yoga (with or without Sound Bath)
- Special needs, Back Care, Healthy Abs, Private Classes / Events and Corporate Yoga – please inquire

Meditation Classes Online
Body-Mind-Soul Meditation Classes
- Saturday 10-11am (Singapore Time) – Zoom
- Creative, Transformational Energy Meditation Classes : we gather to move, breathe and meditate on different themes. It is a great way to anchor your weekend and give yourself the gift of time for the week ahead. Side effects may include reduced stress, body tension and anxiety, and increased well-being, joy and vitality!
- Pay per month – Trial class 25$

Corporate yoga and meditation classes
I offer 3 programs specifically designed for the workplace and corporate settings : Corporate Yoga and Meditation program, Team Building Yoga and Meditation, and Stress Management Talks.
The specific Team Building Yoga and Meditation helps foster team spirit and wellness at the workplace.
Yoga and Meditation are great ways to bring your team together and beat work-related stress!

Spirit Animal, Power Animal – 13-week private mentorship journey
13 weeks of 1-on-1 classes and coaching to deeply and durably catalyze the evolution of your practice and your life.
13 weeks to anchor your relationship with your Power Animal and transform your connection to yourself and your life.
An exclusive 1-on-1 format to deeply explore the multiple aspects of Power Animals – and YOUR Power Animal! in your own unique way.

Reiki Classes in Singapore / Paris
in-person Reiki 1, 2 and 3 Trainings in Singapore
Contact me to be on the interest list for the upcoming Reiki Trainings.

Class: 5 month Shamanic Practices – WELCOME GROUP HORSE!
Singapore – February to June 2022

Immersion in Shamanic Practices Class – in-person, Singapore.
Explore the Tree of Life in a deep-dive into shamanic practices, an exceptional opportunity to experience this magical practice in person.
From deep in the Roots to the tips of the Branches, we learn to release the past and journey to the light.
Learn to see with the Heart and receive messages through shamanic drum journeys – deep meditations to the beat of the drum.
Profoundly and authentically connect with the Earth, her cycles, and with yourself, through transformational ceremonies.
We journey together along the River of Life, we are guided to release energies that no longer serve us, and we discover -or remember- our unique gifts that we are here to share. We meet and deepen our relationship with our Power Animals and compassionate spirit guides, as we receive healing and blessings.
If you wish, there is space to learn to play your very own drum for your journeys. Learn to journey for someone else.
Journey into the Tree of Life and shamanic practices is a 5-month commitment to yourself, to your own transformation, and to the group.
I invite you to dive deep and with heart… and let the work unfold as you move into your light!
A Glimpse of Past Workshops :

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