Spring is here! Here’s a sweet ritual to celebrate Spring, rebirth, renewal, Mother Nature AND plant seeds for all your life’s projects!
Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere on the March 20th Equinox. After the long winter months, the cold and the cozy cocooning, here come longer days and Nature awakening from slumber. If you are a Sun child like me, Spring is magical!
Let’s tap into the season’s rebirth and blossoming energy and call renewal and fresh new beginnings in our lives! YES!
How? With the Seed Planting Ritual!
Yep, we’re going to plant seeds. “Real” plant seeds and symbolic seeds of what we want to see grow and flourish in life.
This spring, we sow what we want to harvest : yummy salads yes, as well as the seeds of projects we want to see bear fruit.
How to do a Seed Planting Ritual for the Spring Equinox:
1. Prepare your ritual space: choose a clear place, a candle, a song, your seeds, your soil (dirt) + pots if you plant indoors, your watering can etc.
2. Choose your seeds (we planted basil, yum yum! Plant what you want, edible plant, flowers, a tree!)
3. Choose a project, a part of your life that you want to take care of, that you want to see sprout, grow, and flourish!
4. With intent, plant your seeds! For example, say “I plant these basil seeds and the seeds of my project”
5. During planting, be open to any message from your intuition, or from the Universe.
6. When you have finished, water your seeds, give them Reiki, and close your ritual.
7. Remember to take care of your seeds! Just as you care for your plants, “water” and give light to your seeds of life!
What are YOU planting this spring?

Nurture your dreams!
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