Express the depth of your ideas and emotions, flow as you speak in public, and get clear about your path. Give YOUR VOICE some oomph with the Mantra HAM!
The Throat Chakra, or 5th Chakra is called Vishuddha. In Sanskrit Vishuddha means “pure, purifying”.
The Throat Chakra is located between the Heart Chakra (the 4th, Anahata Chakra), and the 3rd Eye Chakra (the 6th Chakra, Ajna Chakra). Vishuddha links your heart to your head!
More on Chakras here
The Voice is associated with the Throat Chakra. We use our voices to communicate and to express ourselves. A balanced Throat Chakra allows us to express ourselves clearly and with compassion. We give voice to our ideas, our creativity, our needs, our emotions, our decisions. And we also listen with the same compassion!
Our Voice is a powerful way to bring us out into the world.
When Vishuddha is in harmony, the connection between your thinking head and your feeling heart is fluid. You feel connected to yourself and connected to others.
Here’s a simple Throat Chakra balancing exercise. Try it before teaching a class, to prepare for public speaking, or to build confidence in your voice and your place in this world every day.
The Throat Chakra’s elements are ether and sound. For today’s Chakra harmonizing exercise, you’ll just need your… voice!
We’ll use the Throat Chakra’s Bija Mantra, HAM.
The musical note corresponding to Vishuddha is usually G (So). But go ahead and try different notes and see which works best for you.
(HAM’s “A” is pronounced as in “arm”, not as in “green eggs and ham, Sam I am“)!
How to : Throat Chakra Meditation with the Mantra HAM:
1. Sit comfortably, or lie down if you prefer.
2. Take a few deep breaths to center. Close your eyes if you want.
3. Inhale and chant the Bija Mantra HAM: “HAAAMMM”
4. Let the vibration of the Mantra HAM resonate in your throat, and surround you.
5. Inhale and start again! Chant HAM for as many or as few breaths as you wish!
6. When you are done, resume regular breathing.
7. Gently open your eyes!
How do you feel ? Ready to speak with your true voice!

Find your Voice and your path with the mantra HAM!
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