It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S.A. We celebrate Harvest Festival and saying “Thank You” to life for all we have. And it’s also CRANBERRY season! Yes, the fruit made famous by one of my favorite cocktails, the Cosmopolitan! Here’s a virgin (but no less tasty) way of consuming the cranberry super fruit : Home-made Cranberry Jam!
Here in Northern California, we are experiencing devastating forest fires. Our thoughts go out to all those in suffering. We are thankfully far from the fires, and have been living in smoke for over a week now. Our air quality index is pretty nasty, ranging from ‘Unhealthy’ to downright ‘Hazardous’.
We call the rain and the end of the fires!
At home, we have our HEPA air filters working 24/7, and ideas for keeping cooped-up kids (and parents) busy.
Today is Cranberry Jam Day.

Luscious red cranberries, ready for jam!
These plump bright red berries are of the same species as blueberries. Indigenous Americans and First Nations were already consuming cranberries as medicine long before European settlers arrived. Today too we are all about cranberries’ super hero properties. They are bursting with anti-oxidants, vitamins, fiber. Cranberries also help prevent urinary tract infections.
Of course, raw and least processed cranberries are the most nutritious. But let’s face it, munching on these sour berries is not the yummiest thing. Enter : Cranberry Jam, with the least amount of sugar you can manage, and cooked over low heat!
Its cranberry season here in North America, and buying fresh cranberries is easy. It’s also Thanksgiving this week in the USA. And if you’re not American, it doesn’t matter, it’s always the right time to say “Thank You” for all we have!
Instead of the traditional cranberry sauce that comes with turkey and mashed potatoes, we’re making cranberry jam!
We’re more toast and cracker people you see. And here is the recipe!
For a big jar:
– 350g fresh cranberries (12oz)
– 200 – 250g sugar (about a cup)
– 1 Apple

Yummy apple-cranberry jam!
Cranberry Jam Recipe:
– Peel (or leave unpeeled), seed and cut the apple into pieces.
– Place cranberries, sugar and apple pieces in a pot.
– Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, with a bit of water to keep the fruit from sticking.
– After 25 minutes, let it cool a little, and blend with a blender.
– Strain to remove skins and seeds.
– Return everything to the pot, and bring to gentle bubble again for 20 minutes.
– Pour into a sterilized jar, leave to cool.
– The next day, spread your deliciously beautiful and tart cranberry jam on toast or spoon into yogurt.
Yum! Happy Thanksgiving! If you don’t celebrate, you can still say Yeah to the Attitude of Gratitude and “thank you” to life, with these posts on the Gratitude Journal and Say Thank You and Be Happy (posts coming).
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